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First Aid Kit 140 Pieces, All Purpose J&J
First Aid
Our Price: $29.09

Product Code: 06031

First Aid Kit 140 Pieces, All Purpose first aid kit for wound treatment and protection. Includes a First Aid guide approved by the American College of Emergency Physicians. Organized case keeps items accessible and in place.

140 essential first aid items as listed:
(3) Johnson & Johnson Hand Cleansing Wipes, 5 x 7.75 Inch (12.7 x 19.7 cm)
(2) Neosporin Antibiotic Ointment, 1/32 oz (0.9g) Each
(1) Coach Instant Cold Pack
(10) Band-Aid Butterfly Closures, 0.375 x 1.75 Inch (1 x 4.4 cm)
(1) Johnson & Johnson Paper Tape (no scissors required), 0.5 Inch x 5 Yards (1.2 cm x 4.5 m)
(8) Gauze Pads, 2 x 2 Inch (5 x 5 cm)
(15) Band-Aid Flexible Fabric Adhesive Bandages, 0.625 x 2.25 Inch (1.5 x 5.7 cm)*
(10) Band-Aid Flexible Fabric Adhesive Bandages, 0.75 x 3 Inch (1.9 x 7.6 cm)*
(14) Band-Aid Sheer Strip Adhesive Bandages, 0.875 x 0.875 Inch (2.2 x 2.2 cm)*
(34) Band-Aid Sheer Strip Adhesive Bandages, 0.625 x 2.25 Inch (1.5 x 5.7 cm)*
(30) Band-Aid Sheer Strip Adhesive Bandages, 0.75 x 3 Inch (1.9 x 7.6 cm)*
(2) Band-Aid Sheer Strip Adhesive Bandages, 2.25 x 3 Inch (5.7 x 7.6 cm)*
(5) Band-Aid Flexible Fabric Adhesive Bandages, 1 x 3 Inch (2.5 x 7.6 cm)*
(2) Nitrile Patient Examination Gloves, Non-Sterile, Single Use
(1) Johnson & Johnson First Aid Guide
(1) Coupon Booklet (Over $30 Value)

(1) Durable Plastic Shell Case Above items marked with * Caution: The packaging of this product contains natural rubber latex which may cause allergic reactions. Please keep these and all drug products out of reach of children. Small parts may cause choking. For medical emergencies seek professional help. In case of deep or puncture woulds, or serious burns, consult a physician.

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